Wednesday, December 29, 2010

OJ diet - Stage1 (Day 1&2) - Hope

Day 1

This first evening I slept really hard – stayed in bed until 0630. I have to work this week – plan to drink ½ gallon during the day and maybe another pint for dinner. Will have ½ gallon of water as well. I feel a bit tired and cold. I feel limber – neck is loosening, I feel light on my feet despite the fatigue. There is a presence in my chest – not sure… liver, heart or lungs. I have also noticed the mole under my left eye is shrinking and my sinus’ are starting to clear – a really good sign. I went for a short walk – energy level is decent. Dull headache started. Work is slow - should be a great first week.

Orange Juice
- 1 pint squeezed and strained @ 1800 hrs on 12/27
- 64 oz @ work – 8 oz per hour diluted with water

Day 2

11.5 hours of intense slumber. Tongue coated with thick mucus. I feel somewhat refreshed. Had my AM water and herbal fix - arrived at work @ 0830. I am optimistic about this cleanse. Just arrived home from work – will not say I feel fantastic – but I do feel better than I have in 2 years ! I am really excited to see what tomorrow will bring. This was a great day.

Orange Juice
- 64 oz @ work – 8 oz per hour diluted with water

- Liver Itch – 2T
- Adult De-wormer – 2T
- Olive Leaf – 6 per day
- Oregano Oil – 6 per day
- LBB – 9 per day

I found this on a juice fasting site - a decent description of what is going on in the old body. I am not sure I will go long enough to get to stage 4 - but 3 weeks is my intent.


A single cell within the human body is more complex than the most modern supercomputer. The process of removing a hundred thousand antigens, each with unique molecular properties, from trillions of functioning cells is indeed a complex process. Imagine three trillion cells being repaired during the function of countless biochemical processes needed for life. Even the best mechanics have to turn off the engine. Yet, the body has millions of micro mechanics that do this with ease.

One of the body’s automatic maintenance processes is the destruction of foreign microorganisms. When looking through a dark-field microscope, countless parasites are clearly visible. I observed parasites living inside blood cells. Several could be seen eating cholesterol, and I was amazed to see one swim. Watching lymphocytes moving in the blood was like a science-fiction movie. These complex, lymphocyte organisms attached themselves and engulfed toxins. As they did, their colorations flowed into fascinating patterns leaving me with a sense of wonder and respect for the miraculous ability and infinite complexity of the human body.

Fasting Detoxification Stages

Here is an overview of the detoxification stages during a juice fast. The time periods are a general estimation.

Stage 1 (Day 1 To Day 2)

On the first day of fasting, the blood sugar level drops below 70 mg/dl. To restore the blood to the normal glucose level, liver glycogen is converted to glucose and released into the blood. This reserve is enough for half a day. The body then reduces the basal metabolic rate (BMR). The rate of internal chemical activity in resting tissue is lowered to conserve energy. The heart slows and blood pressure is reduced. Glycogen is pulled from the muscle causing some weakness. The first wave of cleansing is usually the worst.

Headaches, dizziness, nausea, bad breath, glazed eyes and a heavily coated tongue are signs of the first stage of cleansing. Hunger can be the most intense in this period unless the enema is used which quickly assists the body into the fasting state by ending digestion in the colon.

Stage 2 (Day 3 To Day 7)

Fats, composed of transformed fatty acids, are broken down to release glycerol from the gliceride molecules and are converted to glucose. The skin may become oily as rancid oils are purged from the body. People with problem-free skin may have a few days of pimples or even a boil. A pallid complexion is also a sign of waste in the blood. Ketones are formed by the incomplete oxidation of fats. It is suspected that the ketones in the blood suppress the appetite by affecting the food-satiety center in the hypothalamus. You may feel hungry for the first few days of the fast. This effect is temporary. The desire to eat will disappear. Lack of hunger may last 40 to 60 days, depending on whether you are on water or juice.

The body embraces the fast and the digestive system is able to take a much-needed rest, focusing all of its energies on cleansing and healing. White blood cell and immune system activity increases. You may feel pain in your lungs. The cleansing organs and the lungs are in the process of being repaired. Periodically, the lymphatic system expels mucoid matter through the nose or throat. The volume excreted of this yellow-colored mucus can be shocking. The sinuses go through periods of being clogged, then will totally clear. The breath is still foul and the tongue coated. Within the intestine, the colon is being repaired and impacted feces on the intestinal wall start to loosen.

Stage 3 (Day 8 to Day 15)

On the latter part of an extended fast, you can experience enhanced energy, clear-mindedness and feel better than you have felt since childhood. On the downside, old injuries may become irritated and painful. This is a result of the body’s increased ability to heal during fasting. If you had broken your arm 10 years before, there is scar tissue around the break. At the time of the break, the body’s ability to heal was directly related to lifestyle. If you lived on a junk-food diet, the body’s natural healing ability was compromised.

During fasting, the body’s healing process is at optimum efficiency. As the body scours for dead or damaged tissue, the lymphocytes enter the older, damaged tissue secreting substances to dissolve the damaged cells. These substances irritate the nerves in the surrounding region and cause a reoccurrence of aches from previously injured areas that may have disappeared years earlier. The pain is good as the body is completing the healing process. The muscles may become tight and sore due to toxin irritation. The legs can be the worst affected, as toxins accumulate in the legs. Cankers are common in this stage due to the excessive bacteria in the mouth. Daily gargling with salt and water will prevent or heal cankers.

Stage 4 (Day 16 to Day 30)

The body is completely adapted to the fasting process. There is more energy and clarity of mind. Cleansing periods can be short with many days of feeling good in between. There are days when the tongue is pink and the breath is fresh. The healing work of the organs is being completed. After the detoxification mechanisms have removed the causative agent or render it harmless, the body works at maximum capacity in tissue proliferation to replace damaged tissue. While a short fast will reduce the symptoms, a longer fast can completely heal. Homeostatic balance is at optimum levels. The lymphatic system is clean except for a rare discharge of mucus through the nose or throat. After day 20, the mind is affected. Heightened clarity and emotional balance are felt at this time. Memory and concentration improve.

Stage 5 (Breaking the Fast)

The sticky, toxic, mucoid coating on the intestinal wall is loose, and the first meal frees it from the intestinal wall. Toxins enter the blood through the colon. The gallbladder dumps its waste in a heavy discharge of bile. This can cause an instant bowel movement upon eating followed by intense diarrhea. If the symptoms are too uncomfortable, an enema will help.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Drop the idealistic BS

I have spent some time pondering the advice of several out there... 100% raw, eat less, eat more, eat meat, eat vegan, eat fat, eat no fat, eat frequently, eat once per day, exercise a LOT, exercise little, take herbs, natural hygiene, salt..etc.....


What is my real goal here ? I am trying to recover my health and vitality. What makes me feel good? Find it... and DO IT !

Here are my conclusions - what I have found that works for me:

- Eat low fat high raw vegan (100% raw is best) - 80 10 10

- Eat enough ~ 2500 calories seems to work nicely

- Eat 3-4 meals per day

- Eat 2+ lbs of greens per day (get enough protien ~ 56g+)

- Green smoothies are GREAT !

- Take Antifungals every day between meals (the Candida was thriving otherwise)

- Exercise outside in the AM vigorous enough to sweat on the rebounder (~ 15 mins)

- Walk 15-30 mins per day outside

- Spend 30 mins in the sun per day minimum (am and late afternoon are best)

- Breathe deeply when ever you think of it (and stretch)

- Start each day with a couple of pints of distilled water

- Eliminate salt

- Occasional cooked food will not kill you - enjoy what you eat (low fat vegan choices are great)

- Offer to help someone frequently

- Work hard - stay on top of things - be the master

- Laugh and smile more

Living to satiate some idealistic bullshit plan concocted by some "guru" does not make me thrive... I need MY plan... comprised of what makes ME feel well...

All for now,